PDM is an “AA” rated BRC certified food grade packaging company. We understand the importance of how food products are handled and we have established Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) at all levels of our organization.
Complete Tracking & Control
From the time your product enters our warehouse until the moment it is loaded on an outbound trailer, your product is tracked in our inventory system. PDM keeps very tight controls on the products it warehouses and no product is moved in our warehouse without a completed transfer form. All of our warehouse employees go through continuous food grade training sessions that are fully documented in order to maintain our high standards of excellence.
More Than Just Warehousing
We pride ourselves in offering a complete line of food grade packaging solutions and have established relationships with many of the most respected packaging material companies in the country which allows us to efficiently source containers, corrugated products and other materials needed for the packaging process.
PDM understands the importance of lot control in the warehousing and packaging process. We fully track all packaging material used in the packaging process with our inventory software and we create “kits” for each of our productions.
To complete the packaging process, PDM offers a complete set of transportation services. We can arrange for your product to be shipped directly to your customers by our company operated trucks or contract it out with one of our trusted fleet carriers.
Our warehousing customers do not have to worry. We will take care of your product as if we owned it!